Precinct – Jim Walls returns

Police_Quest_II_-_The_Vengeance_2Remember the great Police Quest. Many spent countless hours on it. It was basic, it was unique and it was just plain great. The year is 1987 and retired cop Jim Walls (retired after a traumatic shooting incident) is recruited by Sierra online and works with Ken Williams, developer, to produce a police adventure game. They discussed everything needed in order to bring realism to the concept and produced Police Quest: A 15 year veteran police offer investigates a car accident that turns out to be a homicide.

Before I give to much away for those wanting to try their hand at this old and epic game I’ll leave it there. It had story, it had originality and it had all of it combined into one great package. Something you don’t see so much anymore these days. Police Quest was well received and turned into a series with a few titles under Jim Walls’ belt:

Police Quest: In pursuit of death angel
Police Quest 2: The vengeance
Police Quest 3: The kindred.

After the first trilogy followed three more Police Quest titles and two SWAT titles. They had the concept and they had the follow through.

photo-mainNow I’m here to tell you that he’s back. Jim Walls is back behind the drawing board and this time he’s come up with something new. It’s called Precinct and although not much is known about it yet, it’s looking quite good. It’s been a tough road though and you can show your support and back the program (as well as check out the video) on their kick-starter page.

If they have that recipe like they had it all those years ago, we might be in for a real treat with this one.